Invitation Stage of the V International Financial Security Olympiad will start in February

From February 1 to 28, the Invitation Stage of the V International Financial Security Olympiad will take place on the international socio-educational platform "Sodruzhestvo" in Russian and English languages. 

Students from grades 8–11 and university students from Russia and abroad are especially encouraged to participate. Upon completing the tasks, participants will receive a certificate. 

The Invitation Stage is a great opportunity not only to test your knowledge of financial security but also to prepare for the new Olympiad cycle and get familiar with the task format. 

To participate, registration is required on the platform: Tasks will be available from February 1 to 28. 

The International Financial Security Olympiad has been held since 2021 under the patronage of the President of Russia and the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2024, representatives from 36 countries reached the finals. 

The Olympiad aims to promote financial security as a standard of living and foster a new mindset among young people: from personal financial security to state financial security. Winners and prize-winners receive additional benefits when applying for higher education programs.