"Not Child’s Play: 2.0: Money Mules Against Their Will." a thematic lesson on financial security is launched

The stages of the V International Financial Security Olympiad are about to begin. Starting February 1, thematic lessons will be held for school students and university students. 

The topic for the 2025 lesson is: "Not Child’s Play: 2.0: Money Mules Against Their Will." These sessions will take place in educational institutions across various regions of Russia and abroad. 

Students will learn about modern financial fraud schemes and ways to protect themselves. They will also explore how artificial intelligence has become a tool in the hands of criminals, who money mules are, and why this is not an easy way to make money but actual complicity in crimes. 

Lesson materials will be available on the international socio-educational platform "Sodruzhestvo" in Russian, English, and other languages. 

Additionally, from February 1 to 28, the invitation stage of the V International Financial Security Olympiad will be held on the platform. Students from grades 8–11 and university students are especially encouraged to participate. Upon completing the tasks, participants will receive a certificate. 

To take part, registration is required on the platform: https://sodrujestvo.org/en