International Olympiad on Financial Security

Russia hosts International Olympiad on Financial Security

In the framework of the national project "Education" implementation, the meeting dedicated to the issues of holding the International Olympiad on Financial Security in Russia was held in the secondary school of the Davydenko village.

Source: Vesti Chechen Republic

Representatives of 19 countries participated in the International Olympiad on Financial Security

Almost twenty-five thousand people from nineteen countries became participants in the Preliminary stage of the International Olympiad on Financial Security

Source: Information portal of the ‘Russkiy Mir’ Foundation

The International Olympiad on Financial Security attracted a lot of interest from the foreigners

The regular meeting of the Executive Committee of the International Olympiad on Financial Security for students and schoolers was held under the chairmanship of Dmitry Afanasiev, the Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The results of the Intermediate stage were summarized at the meeting,  the issues of holding the Final were also discussed.

Source: Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

Russian schoolers will be trained to recognize scammers on the Internet

It is currently decided to deal with scammers in a new way in our country. Namely, to teach all potential victims, most often pensioners and children, to fight the scammers back before they steal data or money.

- And which of you stores the generated passwords for various applications in the phone's memory?

Almost everyone. But you shouldn’t do this, the same goes for storing photos of documents in a smartphone, as in case of its’ loss, all personal information may end up in the hands of criminals. Schoolers discuss how to secure their data and money from scammers in the virtual and real space at the financial security lesson. This is perhaps the only subject during which children are asked not to let go of the phone as all expert’s advice is duplicated in the electronic format. Eighth grader Arina knows one of the main rules that is to ignore suspicious links.

“In social networks, some profiles give certain links, and if you click on them, your data, all information is hacked, and so a massive leak is made,” she said.

"In the first year of the event, we had 7 participating countries. In 2023, 15 countries have already registered, among which are China, India, South Africa, Brazil, and Iran, Pakistan, Namibia would join the Olympiad for the first time. For the children victory in the Olympiad will be a great chance to fulfill their dream and enroll to a specialized university without examinations. And the state will gain the professionals in the economy and the financial sector," Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation, noted.

The finalists of the first Olympiad are already working in Federal Financial Monitoring Service. Sofia twice achieved the Olympus of financial security in Sirius, the second attempt was successful - the prize was the opportunity to enroll one of the 50 best universities without exams. She says that she went to participate in the Olympiad with one piece of luggage but returned with two ones.

"The second piece of luggage is the unforgettable experience and emotions. I remember this year math assignment: a math problem on a pile of coins, two piles of 50 coins are given, and one of those coins is fake, you need to design an algorithm to calculate in which pile that fake coin is," Sofya Rudkovich, winner of the II International Financial Security Olympiad, said.

Having returned from Sirius, Pavel, the winner of the Olympiad, began to hold lectures on financial security at his home school.

"We live in the age of information technology, our life is in full swing, it is developing, and new ways of financial fraud are appearing. And therefore, I consider it important to create projects to improve financial literacy. The Olympiad itself is a huge programme to enhance financial literacy," Pavel Naumov, the winner of the II International Olympiad Financial Security, emphasized.

Thematic lessons are held throughout the country: from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, where schoolers from 27 regions gathered in the children's centre 'Ocean' and discussed how to recognize a phishing site and how to secure a page on a social network from scammers.

"We have conducted a sociological survey, and 87% of schoolers and students said that they would like to increase their level of security, and more than 30% answered that they had fallen for fraudulent schemes," Yury Chikhanchin, Director of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service, said.

Last year, more than 2 million schoolers, not only from Russia, but also from the CIS countries, took part in the thematic lesson.

Since this academic year, financial literacy has become a mandatory part of the school curriculum from the 1st grade. Teachers can conduct both individual lessons or integrate financial security issues into courses in Mathematics, Computer Science, Environmental Studies, Geography, and even Literature.

You can test your knowledge on the website of the International Financial Security Olympiad. Those who have mastered the sample questions will still have time to register for the Qualifying stage and compete for the title of the most financially literate. 500 high school students, college and university students will get to the Final.
All-Russian open lesson on financial security held in Novosibirsk

The All-Russian open lesson on financial security was held at the Information and Economic Lyceum of Novosibirsk - a new subject appeared in the curriculum of schoolers on September 1, the project is supervised by Federal Financial Monitoring Service.

How not to fall into the tricks of Internet scammers and get into big debts: in the lesson of financial security, children learn to secure their digital identity.

“90 percent of us are in the information field with gadgets, almost our whole life is in them, that is taxi rides, food, preferences, financial transactions. For security purposes, you need to follow the rules of cyber hygiene, and this needs to be taught,” Alexei Meshkov, teacher of Computer Science and Economics, explained.

Do not reply to suspicious messages, do not click on links, choose difficult passwords and do not use the same passwords for different services. Arina Gort, a ninth grader, knows the rules of cyber hygiene very well. The girl often helps her friends.

Anyone who has fallen for the bait of scammers can contact the financial ombudsman, who is authorized to protect financial rights. It is enough to visit the federal website. The answer will not keep you waiting long.

Financial literacy is taught in all Novosibirsk schools. Nadezhda Zulina, Director of the Information and Economic Lyceum, noted that the lessons continue at home, because we ensure the financial security of the family.

Lessons on financial security serve as the first stage of the large International Olympiad. It is held for the third year. Financial intelligence is looking for the talented youth.

“The Olympiad is aimed at ensuring the utmost interest of schoolers to enroll to the specialised universities, so that they can yield benefit to the society and be secured themselves,” Oksana Nesterenko, the Head of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service Interregional Department for the Siberian Federal District, said.

Trial tasks can be solved on the website The registration of participants is also open on the website. The students of the Information and Economic lyceum of Novosibirsk were among the first to register. The winners will receive bonuses upon admission to specialised Russian universities.
A large-scale financial literacy lesson was held for schoolers at the All-Russian Children's Centre 'Ocean'

A large-scale financial literacy lesson was held for schoolers from all over the country at the All-Russian Children's Centre 'Ocean'. The students were told about phishing and the security of a digital identity, they showed how important it is to secure personal data. Everything is within the framework of the starting Financial Security Olympiad. Our correspondent, Sergey Komarov, covered the lesson.

27 regions. Hundreds of people are in the audience. Schoolers from all over Russia gathered in the concert hall of the children's centre 'Ocean'. An important topic is under discussion. Everyone is studying the financial security of an individual on the Internet.

The lesson is built in the conversation format. Here everyone can express their opinion on a particular issue. Vladislav Ivanov is among the active participants. The student personally encountered cases of fraud on the network:

“Friend, I’m sorry, I accidentally transferred money to you. I’ll transfer the money back as I'm not such a bad person, think I to myself. Later it turned out that it was my mother who transferred this money to me, so I immediately blocked that person”.

The lesson was devoted to the Financial Security Olympiad. The schoolers showed a good level of knowledge. Even experts have noticed this.

Olga Tatarnikova, the Head of the Territorial Department of the Interregional Department of the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring in the Far Eastern Federal District in Vladivostok:
“How to protect yourself, how to secure your personal data, what are the financial hygiene and behavior? The children are very active, they have a fairly high level of training. I noted that they could be potential candidates for employment in our service!

A useful conversation was not in vain. Lecture guests have become even more careful about their personal data. Now they remove even the most harmless at first glance information from social networks.

Vladislav Ivanov, student:
“Here I have photographs where I was engaged in some kind of activity, in a project. It was written where I studied, the city I lived in, but I thought it would be better not to write it. And I removed this information. Even my date of birth is different there.”

Young people will apply the acquired knowledge in life. And some of them will go further and take part in the second stage of the Financial Literacy Olympiad.

All-Russian thematic lesson 'Financial Security' will be held for high school and college students

The all-Russian thematic lesson 'Financial Security' will be held in March for schoolers of 8-10 grades and college students. The event will take place as part of the III International Financial Security Olympiad, which is held by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Federal Financial Monitoring Service and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

In 2022 over 2.1 million people from 26,238 educational organisations took part in the All-Russian lesson on financial security.

The International Financial Security Olympiad is held for schoolers of grades 8-10, college and university students. It is aimed at improving the information, financial and legal literacy of children and youth, promoting their professional orientation, and developing scientific knowledge in the field of financial security.

The coordinator of the Olympiad is the International Training and Methodology Centre for Financial Monitoring.

Additional information, including guidelines for conducting an all-Russian lesson, can be found on the website of the International Financial Security Olympiad.
Lesson on Financial Security: February 14 – March 15, 2024

Invitation stage: March 4 – 31, 2024

Eliminatory stage:
1st round: April 10 – 13, 2024
2nd round: April 17 – 19, 2024

Qualifying stage: September 2 – 6, 2024

Final: September 30 – October 4, 2024
Olympiad tasks of final stage 2024